General Terms and Conditions

This is an indicative machine translation and may contain errors. Only the terms and conditions in the Czech language are legally binding.

These terms and conditions apply to purchases made in the online shop The terms and conditions specify the rights and obligations of the seller and the buyer.



These terms and conditions are intended exclusively for the online sale of goods to consumer buyers.


For the purposes of these terms and conditions, the buyer is a consumer, which is a person who, unlike the seller, is not acting in the course of his business or profession (hereinafter referred to as the "buyer").


For the purposes of these Terms and Conditions, the Seller means a business person who, unlike the Buyer, is acting in the course of his business or in the course of his profession (the "Seller") when entering into and performing the Contract.


Act No. 89/2012 Coll., the Civil Code, as amended (hereinafter referred to as "the OZ")


Contact details

E-shop name:

Operator: Ondřej Vasťák

Headquarters: U Potoka 1185, 686 03, Staré Město, Czech Republic

ID: 06355421

VAT: CZ7405224607

Natural person doing business registered in the Trade Register at the Municipal Office of Uherské Hradiště

Phone: +420 608 414 154


Contact address: U Potoka 1185, 686 03, Staré Město, Czech Republic

List of establishments: náměstí Hrdinů 109, 686 03, Staré Město, Czech Republic

Opening hours of the e-shop: MON - FR 9:00 - 19:00, SAT 10:00 - 13:00, SUN - closed

Opening hours of the outlet: Mon - Fri 9:00 - 17:00, Sat by phone agreement, Sun - closed

Code of conduct: the seller is not bound by any code of conduct in relation to the buyer within the meaning of Section 1820(1)(n) of the Civil Code.

After-sales service: the Seller provides the delivery of spare parts.



Information about the goods purchased is available for each individual item. The information about the goods and the price quoted by the seller is binding except in the case of obvious error.

Prices are presented inclusive of all taxes (e.g. VAT) and charges, except for delivery costs.

The cost of using remote means of communication is no different from the basic rate payable by the Buyer for the use of such means.

Information on the methods of payment accepted by the Seller can be found HERE. The Seller does not charge any fees depending on the payment method, except for the time of payment.

Acceptance of an offer with an addendum or variance is not acceptance of the offer.

Confirmation of the content of the contract concluded in a form other than in writing, which shows deviations from the actually agreed content of the contract, shall have no legal effect.

Acceptance of unsolicited performance by the buyer does not constitute acceptance of the offer. 

Where the seller provides access to reviews of the goods sold by other buyers, the seller ensures and controls the authenticity of such reviews by linking the buyers' reviews to specific orders, thereby being able to verify and prove that the review comes from a real buyer. The Seller will inform the Buyer of the specific method of verification of the reviews on its e-shop pages.

The photographs shown on the shop pages correspond to the goods sold.


Ordering and delivering goods

The purchase contract between the buyer and the seller can only be concluded in the Czech language.

To conclude the contract, the buyer needs to create an order on the seller's e-shop. This can be created in the following way:

After selecting the goods on the Seller's e-shop, where the legal information about the goods to be purchased is provided, the Buyer shall mark the relevant goods he is interested in by clicking on the button "Add to cart"). Information about the price of the goods, the price and method of transport and the method of payment will be provided in the process of creating the order, where the Buyer will choose the method and price of transport and the method of payment. The total price will be indicated in the summary before the order is sent according to the selected goods, their delivery and payment method. The buyer will provide his/her identification and contact details in the order process.

The order can be modified, added to and checked until completion. After checking, confirming knowledge and acceptance of these terms and conditions, the order can be completed by pressing the button "Order with payment obligation".

By completing the order, the buyer expressly undertakes to pay for the goods by means of a binding order confirmation.

The Seller will confirm the order to the Buyer by e-mail as soon as possible after it has been delivered to the Seller. This order confirmation shall be accompanied by a summary of the order and these terms and conditions as in force on the date of the order, which shall form an integral part of the purchase contract.

The Seller shall issue a confirmation of the concluded contract in text form to the Buyer within a reasonable time after its conclusion, but at the latest at the time of delivery of the goods.

If this is necessary in view of the nature of the goods sold, the manner and duration of their use, the Seller shall ensure that this information is contained in the enclosed written instructions and that they are comprehensible. In such a case, the seller shall provide the buyer with the instructions for the goods on a durable medium. The seller shall provide the buyer with the instructions in paper form if the buyer so requests and if this is not unreasonable in view of the circumstances or the manner of conclusion of the contract or the characteristics of the goods sold.

The Seller shall send the complete goods to the Buyer without undue delay, no later than 10 days from the order confirmation, in order to deliver the goods to the Buyer within 30 days at the latest, unless the Seller specifies a different delivery period for individual goods. If the goods are listed as "in stock", the Seller shall dispatch the goods within two working days at the latest. In the case of payment in advance, the goods will be dispatched only after payment has been credited to the seller's account.

The buyer is obliged to take delivery of the goods and pay for them. The Buyer is advised to check the goods as soon as possible upon receipt.

The Seller shall send the documents for the goods, in particular the tax document, receipts and certificates, to the Buyer immediately upon receipt of the goods, but no later than two days after the Buyer has taken delivery of the goods.

If the Buyer so requests, the Seller shall confirm to the Buyer in writing to what extent and for how long the Buyer's obligations under the defective performance continue and how the Buyer may exercise his rights thereunder.

Price and delivery method HERE.

If the Seller fails to meet the delivery or dispatch deadline, the Seller will give the Buyer a discount of 5% off the price of the next purchase. The buyer's other claims are not affected.

Title to the goods shall pass to the Buyer upon receipt and payment of the total price of the goods. In the case of payment by bank transfer, the total price is paid by crediting the seller's account, in other cases it is paid at the time of payment.

The risk of damage to the goods passes to the buyer at the time of receipt of the goods. In the event of non-acceptance of the goods by the buyer, except for refusal on acceptance due to obvious damage to the goods, the risk of damage to the goods passes to the buyer at the moment when he had the opportunity to accept the goods but for reasons on the buyer's side did not take over.

If the buyer fails to take over the goods within the agreed time by breaching his obligation, he is obliged to pay the seller a storage fee for each day of delay in the amount of CZK 10, but not more than CZK 300, the seller is entitled to sell the goods in a suitable manner after he has notified the buyer by e-mail and provided him with a new reasonable period for taking over. The Seller shall be entitled to set off the costs of storage and the costs of unsuccessful delivery of the goods due to lack of cooperation on the part of the Buyer in the amount necessary against the proceeds of the sale.

In the event that the Buyer fails to take delivery of the goods, the Seller is entitled to claim reimbursement of the costs of such re-delivery at the request of the Buyer and, if the method of payment is chosen upon receipt or upon further order made by the Buyer on this e-shop, to require such Buyer to pay in advance.


Order cancellation and withdrawal from the contract

The Buyer may withdraw from the Contract by any unequivocal statement made to the Seller within 21 days of taking delivery of the Goods or the last item of Goods (if more than one item of Goods is delivered under a single order which are delivered separately), an item or part of a delivery of Goods (if the Goods are made up of several items or parts), or the first delivery of regularly or repeatedly delivered Goods, irrespective of the method of taking delivery of the Goods or making payment. That period is intended to allow the buyer to become reasonably familiar with the nature, characteristics and functionality of the goods.

The buyer is also entitled to withdraw from the contract at any time before delivery of the goods.

The buyer shall send or deliver the withdrawal to the seller within 21 days. The buyer does not have to state the reason for which he withdraws from the contract. To facilitate communication, it is advisable to include the date of purchase or contract/sales receipt number, bank account and the chosen method of return in the withdrawal. The Seller is obliged to refund the Buyer the full amount corresponding to the price of the goods and the costs paid for their delivery without undue delay, no later than 14 days after the withdrawal from the contract, in the same manner in which the payment was received from the Buyer. If the seller offers several options within a certain delivery method, he is obliged to compensate the buyer for the cheapest of them. If the goods have been delivered to the buyer by the seller free of charge, the buyer is not entitled to reimbursement of postage. The buyer is obliged to send or hand over the purchased goods to the seller within the same time limit at the latest; this does not apply if the seller has offered to collect the goods himself. The goods should be returned to the seller (not on delivery) complete, preferably in their original packaging. The buyer is liable for any depreciation in the value of the goods as a result of handling the goods other than that necessary to familiarise himself with the nature, characteristics and functionality of the goods. The cost of returning the goods shall be borne by the buyer.

The seller is not obliged to return the funds received to the buyer before he has received the goods or before the buyer proves that he has sent the goods to the seller.

If the value of the returned goods is diminished as a result of handling the goods other than that necessary to familiarise oneself with the nature, characteristics and functionality of the goods, the Seller shall be entitled to claim against the Buyer compensation for the diminution in value of the goods and to set it off against the amount returned.


The buyer cannot withdraw in the cases referred to in the provisions of § 1837 OZ, the right to withdraw from the contract cannot be exercised especially in the case of contracts:

  • for the delivery of digital content that is not delivered on a tangible medium after the performance has commenced, in the case of performance for consideration, if it has commenced with the prior express consent of the buyer before the expiration of the withdrawal period and the buyer has been advised that the right of withdrawal ceases thereby and the seller has provided him with confirmation in accordance with the law;
  • on the provision of services, if they have been provided in full, in the case of performance for consideration, only if the performance began with the prior express consent of the buyer before the expiration of the withdrawal period and the entrepreneur has instructed the buyer prior to the conclusion of the contract that the provision of the performance terminates the right to withdraw from the contract;
  • for the supply of services or goods, the price of which depends on financial market fluctuations independent of the seller's will and which may occur during the withdrawal period;
  • for the supply of alcoholic beverages, the price of which was agreed at the time of conclusion of the contract with the proviso that delivery can only be made after 30 days and the actual value of which depends on market fluctuations independent of the will of the seller;
  • for the delivery of goods made to the buyer's requirements or tailored to the buyer's personal needs;
  • for the supply of perishable goods or goods with a short shelf life;
  • for the delivery of goods which, by their nature, have been irretrievably mixed with other goods after delivery;
  • for the delivery of goods in sealed packaging which, for health or hygiene reasons, is not suitable for return after the buyer has broken it;
  • for the delivery of audio or visual recordings or computer programs in sealed packaging if the buyer has breached it;
  • for the supply of newspapers, magazines or periodicals, excluding subscription contracts for their supply.

An exemplar withdrawal form is available HERE.

The Seller is entitled to withdraw from the contract at any time before delivery of the goods if he is objectively unable to deliver the goods to the Buyer within a reasonable period of time due to reasons on the part of third parties and/or if it becomes apparent that the Buyer has breached a previously concluded contract with the Seller.

The Seller also notifies the Buyer that the contract shall not be concluded if there are reasonable doubts as to the true identity of the Buyer or if there are obvious errors in the information given about the goods or the price.

If a gift is given to the Buyer together with the goods, the gift contract between the Seller and the Buyer is concluded with the condition that if the Buyer withdraws from the purchase contract under this clause of the Terms and Conditions, the gift contract with respect to such gift shall cease to be effective and the Buyer shall be obliged to return the gift to the Seller together with the goods.


Rights and obligations arising from defective performance

Quality on receipt

If the goods have defects upon receipt (e.g. does not correspond to the agreed description, type, quantity, quality, functionality, compatibility, interoperability and other agreed characteristics, is not suitable for the purpose for which the Buyer requires it and to which the Seller has agreed, is not delivered with the agreed accessories, instructions for use including assembly or installation instructions; it is not fit for the usual or agreed purpose; it does not correspond to the usual characteristics of goods of the same kind in quantity, quality, durability, functionality, compatibility and safety which the buyer can reasonably expect, even taking into account public statements made by the seller or by another person in the same contractual chain, in particular advertising or labelling; it is not complete, i.e. (e.g. not supplied with accessories including packaging, assembly instructions or other instructions that the buyer could reasonably expect or other legal, contractual or even pre-contractual parameters), these are defects in the goods for which the seller is liable.

Liability for defects in the goods referred to in Section 2161(2) CC does not apply if the seller has specifically warned the buyer prior to the conclusion of the contract that a characteristic of the goods differs and the buyer has expressly agreed to this when concluding the contract.

The buyer may complain to the seller about the defect within two years of receipt of the goods at the latest and claim the right to have the defect remedied free of charge, as he wishes, either by repair or by delivery of a new item without defects, unless the chosen method of remedying the defect is impossible or disproportionately costly compared to the other; this shall be assessed in particular with regard to the significance of the defect, the value that the item would have had without the defect and whether it can be remedied by the other method without significant difficulties for the buyer.

The seller may refuse to remedy the defect (by repair or by supplying a new item) if it is impossible or unreasonably costly to do so, having regard in particular to the significance of the defect and the value the item would have had without the defect. In such a case, if the buyer has rightfully pointed out the defect, the buyer has the right to demand a discount on the purchase price or, if the defect is not insignificant, the right to withdraw from the contract.

In the case of a second-hand purchase, the seller may shorten the time limit for exercising the right of defective performance to up to one year from acceptance. Within one year of receipt of the goods, the defect is presumed to have existed when the goods were received, unless the nature of the goods or the defect precludes this. This period does not run for the time during which the buyer cannot use the goods, if he has rightly pointed out the defect.

The buyer shall not be entitled to any rights arising from the defective performance if he himself caused the defect. A defect is not wear and tear caused by normal use.

In the case of second-hand goods sold, the seller is not liable for defects in the goods corresponding to the degree of previous use or wear and tear.

The seller shall be liable for defects within the period of use stated in the advertisement, on the packaging of the goods or in the accompanying instructions. The Seller shall also be liable to the Buyer for any defect caused by incorrect assembly or installation carried out by or under the responsibility of the Seller in accordance with the Contract. This also applies if the assembly or installation was carried out by the buyer and the defect is due to a deficiency in the instructions provided by the seller or by the provider of the digital content or digital content service, if the item has digital characteristics.

If the object of the purchase is a digital object, the seller shall ensure that the agreed updates of the digital content or digital content service are provided to the buyer and that, in addition to the agreed updates, the buyer is provided with the updates that are necessary for the object to retain its characteristics after acceptance in accordance with Section 2161 CC (quality on acceptance), and shall be notified of their availability for a period of two years if the digital content or digital content service is to be provided continuously for a certain period of time under the contract, and, if provision for a period of more than two years is agreed, for the entire period of time, and/or for as long as the buyer can reasonably expect, if the digital content or digital content service is to be provided on a one-off basis under the contract. This does not apply if the seller has specifically advised the buyer prior to the conclusion of the contract that updates will not be provided and the buyer has expressly agreed to this when concluding the contract.

If the buyer fails to update within a reasonable time, he has no rights from the defect that arose only as a result of the failure to update. This does not apply if the buyer was not warned about the update or the consequences of not updating or did not update or did not update correctly due to a defect in the instructions.

If the digital content or digital content service is to be provided continuously for a certain period of time under the contract and if a defect appears or occurs within that period of time, the digital content or digital content service is deemed to be defective.

If the defect manifests itself repeatedly or if the defect is material, the purchaser may exercise the right to a reasonable discount on the purchase price or to withdraw from the contract. However, the buyer cannot withdraw from the contract if the defect is insignificant. Further grounds for exercising the right to a reasonable discount on the purchase price or to withdraw from the contract are set out in clause 6 Handling of complaints.

For selected goods, the seller undertakes to provide the buyer with a contractual guarantee of 24 months in addition to the liability for defects upon acceptance of the goods. In the case of a contractual guarantee, the Seller shall issue the Buyer with a quality guarantee certificate (guarantee certificate) in text form in accordance with § 2174a OZ at the latest upon receipt of the goods.

If the seller warrants that the item will retain its functions and performance under normal use for a certain period of time, the buyer is at least entitled under the warranty to the delivery of a new item without defects or to the repair of the item. The indication of the guarantee period or the period of use of the thing on the packaging of the thing shall also have these effects.


Complaint handling

The buyer should file a claim with the seller or the person designated to repair the defect without undue delay after the defect is discovered. When making a claim, the Buyer shall provide his/her contact details, a description of the defect and a request for how the claim should be handled.

Download the form HERE.

If the Seller has an establishment, then the Seller shall ensure that an employee in charge of handling complaints is present in the establishment at all times during business hours.

The buyer is obliged to prove the purchase of the goods (preferably with a proof of purchase). The deadline for handling the complaint starts from the moment the complaint is made (notified). The Buyer shall hand over or deliver the goods to the Seller or to the place designated for repair at the same time or after the claim has been made. The goods should be packed in suitable packaging to prevent damage and should be clean and complete when transported.

The Seller shall issue a written confirmation to the Buyer when the Buyer makes a claim, stating the date on which the Buyer made the claim, what is the content of the claim, the method of handling the claim requested by the Buyer and the Buyer's contact details for the purpose of providing information on the handling of the claim. This obligation also applies to other persons designated to carry out the repair.

The seller shall remedy the defect within a reasonable time after it has been pointed out so as not to cause the buyer significant inconvenience, taking into account the nature of the item and the purpose for which, if any, the buyer purchased the item.

The Seller shall settle the complaint, including the removal of the defect, and shall inform the Buyer of the settlement of the complaint to the contact details provided no later than 20 days after the complaint has been made, unless a longer period is agreed in writing with the Buyer. If the Seller fails to settle the complaint within the said time limit, including notifying the Buyer of the settlement of the complaint, the Buyer shall have the right to withdraw from the contract or demand a reasonable discount after the expiry of this time limit.

If the subject of the obligation is the provision of digital content, including digital content delivered on a tangible medium, or a digital content service, the complaint must be settled within a reasonable time, taking into account the nature of the digital content or digital content service and the purpose for which the buyer requested it.

If the seller refuses to remedy a defect in the item and/or fails to remedy it in accordance with section 2170(1) and (2) OZ, and/or it is apparent from the seller's statement or the circumstances that the defect will not be remedied within a reasonable time or without significant inconvenience to the buyer, the buyer may demand a reasonable price reduction or withdraw from the contract. However, the buyer may not withdraw from the contract if the defect is insignificant; the defect shall be deemed not to be insignificant.

The period for exercising the right of defective performance shall be extended by the period during which the buyer could not use the goods in the event of a justified claim.

In the case of a justified claim, the buyer is entitled to compensation for the costs reasonably incurred.

The Seller shall issue the Buyer with a confirmation of the date and manner of settlement of the claim, including a confirmation of the repair and the duration of the repair, or a written justification of the rejection of the claim. This obligation shall also apply to other persons appointed to carry out the repair.


Personal data protection

The Seller is the controller of the personal data provided for the purpose of fulfilling the subject of the contract.

Identification and contact details of the controller

Name and surname: Ondřej Vašt'ák

Address: U Potoka 1185, 686 03, Staré Město, Czech Republic

ID: 06355421

VAT: CZ7405224607

Phone: +420 608 414 154


Contact address: U Potoka 1185, 686 03, Staré Město, Czech Republic

Purpose of processing, scope of personal data and legal basis for processing

The Buyer acknowledges that for the purposes of concluding the purchase contract, its subsequent performance (processing of the order, ensuring the removal and delivery of goods) and the possible resolution of rights arising from defective performance (complaints), the Administrator will process and store, in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council, the General Data Protection Regulation (hereinafter referred to as GDPR), his personal data in the following scope: name, surname, address, e-mail and telephone number.

The legal basis for the processing of personal data is the performance of a contract to which the purchaser is a party, in accordance with Article 6(1)(b) GDPR.

Categories of recipients/recipients of personal data

The controller undertakes not to disclose the personal data of the purchaser to any entities other than the following processors/controllers:

(a) to the contractual carrier chosen by the buyer in the order form for the purpose of delivery of the goods, the list of carriers is available HERE, and the data will be provided in the following scope: name, surname, address, e-mail, telephone number;

b) to the operator of the portal for the purpose of generating and sending purchase satisfaction questionnaires within the framework of the Verified by Customers programme, in which the online shop is involved. In this case, the legal basis for processing is the legitimate interest of the controller in accordance with Article 6(1)(f) GDPR, which consists in determining the buyer's satisfaction with the purchase from the controller. The sending of questionnaires concerns all buyers who have not refused the sending of commercial communications within the meaning of Section 7(3) of the Act on Certain Information Society Services (No. 480/2004 Coll.) and is carried out after each purchase on the online shop. The operator of the portal is entitled to use the submitted e-mail address solely for the purpose of generating and sending a satisfaction questionnaire within the meaning of the Terms and Conditions of the Verified by Customers program available HERE. The buyer may object to the sending of e-mail questionnaires within the framework of the Verified by Customers program at any time by rejecting further questionnaires using the link in the e-mail with the questionnaire. In the event of an objection, the questionnaire will no longer be sent to the buyer.

c) to the operator of the portal, which is, a.s., for the purpose of generating and sending customer satisfaction questionnaires. The legal basis for processing in this case is the legitimate interest of the controller in accordance with Article 6(1)(f) GDPR, which consists in determining the buyer's satisfaction with the purchase from the controller. The sending of questionnaires concerns all buyers who have not refused the sending of commercial communications within the meaning of Section 7(3) of the Act on Certain Information Society Services (No. 480/2004 Coll.) and is carried out after each purchase on the online shop. The operator of the portal is entitled to use the provided e-mail address solely for the purpose of generating and sending a satisfaction questionnaire within the meaning of the Terms and Conditions available HERE. The buyer may object to the sending of e-mail questionnaires at any time by rejecting further questionnaires using the link in the e-mail with the questionnaire. In the event of an objection, the questionnaire will no longer be sent to the Buyer.

d) to the credit card issuer in the case of payment by credit card, for the purpose of a possible TRA (Transaction Risk Analysis) exception to allow for a simpler purchasing process and due to the legitimate interest of the seller in processing the transaction, whereby the data may be provided in the following scope: name, surname, email, telephone number, billing address, delivery address.

Storage time

Personal data will be stored by the controller for the period necessary for the performance of the contract (processing of the order, removal and delivery of the goods) and for the period of the legal guarantee (24 months from receipt of the goods) or for the period of the contractual guarantee provided.

The Buyer acknowledges that the Controller is obliged, pursuant to Article 31 of the Accounting Act (No. 593/1991 Coll.), to keep accounting documents and accounting records (invoices) for a period of 5 years starting from the end of the accounting period to which they relate (i.e. if you purchase goods during 2023, the invoice must be kept until the end of 2028). The administrator is also obliged under Article 47 of the Tax Administration Act (No 337/1992 Coll.) to keep the invoice for 3 years from the end of the tax year in which the tax liability related to the invoice arose (i.e. if you purchase goods during 2023, the invoice must be kept for tax proceedings until the end of 2026). The invoice contains the following personal data: name, surname and address.

If the seller is a VAT payer, then the buyer also acknowledges that the administrator is obliged under Article 35 of the Value Added Tax Act (No. 235/2004 Coll.) to keep the tax documents for 10 years from the end of the tax period in which the transaction took place (that is, if you purchase goods during 2023, the invoice must be kept until the end of 2033). The tax document contains the following personal data: name, surname and address.

Buyer's rights in relation to personal data

The Buyer further acknowledges that, pursuant to Articles 15 to 21 of the GDPR, the Buyer has the right to:

a) the right of access to personal data, which consists of the right to obtain confirmation from the controller as to whether or not personal data concerning him or her are being processed and, if so, the right to obtain access to those personal data and to the information defined in Article 15 of the GDPR;

b) to rectify inaccurate personal data concerning him/her; furthermore, taking into account the purposes of the processing, the purchaser has the right to complete incomplete personal data, including by providing an additional declaration pursuant to Article 16 GDPR;

c) the right to erasure ("right to be forgotten"), which consists in the controller deleting without undue delay the personal data concerning the purchaser as soon as they are no longer necessary for the purposes of the performance of the contract, unless there is another lawful reason for their further processing;

d) to limit the processing of personal data in the cases defined in Article 18 of the GDPR;

e) to data portability under the terms of Article 20 of the GDPR;

f) object to the processing of personal data in accordance with Article 21 of the GDPR.

Upon request, the administrator shall provide the purchaser with information on the measures taken in each case within 20 days of receipt of the request.

In the event of doubts about the processing of personal data, the purchaser has the right to contact the Office for Personal Data Protection, which is the supervisory authority in this area, and to lodge a complaint with it.

The Seller will allow purchases without registration, and will use the data of unregistered buyers exclusively for the performance of the subject of the contract, not for marketing or commercial purposes.


Dispute Resolution

Mutual disputes between the seller and the buyer are resolved by the general courts.

According to the Consumer Protection Act (No. 634/1992 Coll.), the buyer has the right to an out-of-court settlement of a consumer dispute arising from a purchase contract or a contract for the provision of services. The Czech Trade Inspection Authority is the entity authorised to carry out out-of-court dispute resolution. Further information is available on the website

Out-of-court settlement of a consumer dispute is initiated exclusively at the request of the buyer, and only if the dispute has not been resolved directly with the seller. The application may be filed within 1 year from the date on which the buyer first exercised his/her right, which is the subject of the dispute, with the seller.

The buyer has the right to initiate out-of-court dispute resolution online via the ODR platform available at

The buyer may also contact dTest, o.p.s. for advice on his/her consumer rights via or by calling +420 299 149 009.

The Seller undertakes to seek out-of-court dispute resolution with the Buyer as a matter of priority, unless the Buyer refuses. Out-of-court settlement of disputes can also be done through the service on the website

This procedure is not mediation according to the Mediation Act (No. 202/2012 Coll.) or arbitration according to the Arbitration and Enforcement of Arbitral Awards Act (No. 216/1994 Coll.) and its use does not affect the parties' right to take their claim to the Czech Trade Inspection Authority or to court.

During the out-of-court settlement negotiations, the limitation and prescription periods under the Civil Code shall not run or begin to run unless one of the parties to the dispute expressly refuses to continue the negotiations.

Supervision of compliance with the obligations under the Consumer Protection Act (No 634/1992 Coll.) is carried out by the Czech Trade Inspection Authority (

Handling of buyers' complaints is handled by the Seller via the electronic address The Seller sends information about the handling of the complaint to the Buyer's electronic address.


The Others

Take-back of electrical equipment and other products

If the Seller sells goods that are subject to the take-back of electrical equipment and other products, then the following applies:

The Seller shall ensure the take-back of electrical equipment from households and the separate collection of electrical waste, batteries and accumulators in accordance with the relevant legislation.

The Buyer shall be entitled to surrender old electrical equipment when purchasing new similar electrical equipment or batteries or accumulators at the Seller's premises. The Buyer shall also be entitled to return the electrical equipment, electrical waste or batteries or accumulators to the collection points designated for the collection of said waste in the relevant municipality.

The Seller shall also arrange for the take-back of electrical equipment from households free of charge directly at the household if the Buyer orders goods of a similar type and use. The take-back applies to electrical equipment in the number corresponding to the goods ordered.

Electrical equipment, e-waste, batteries and accumulators must not be disposed of with mixed waste but must be deposited in designated places, i.e. collection yards or take-back points, such as those listed above. The equipment and waste in question will be further used to produce new equipment. Hazardous and harmful substances from such equipment and waste may harm the environment or human health.

Final provisions

Other matters not mentioned herein shall be governed by the Civil Code (No. 89/2012 Coll.), the Consumer Protection Act (No. 634/1992 Coll.) and other legislation, as amended.

The contract and related matters are governed by Czech law.

Changes to the terms and conditions in a form other than mutually agreed in writing are excluded.

The Purchase Contract including the Terms and Conditions is archived by the Seller in electronic form without the possibility of access by the Buyer. However, the Buyer shall receive all documents for which a text form is required by law by e-mail, whereby the Buyer shall have permanent access to the unchanged documents. We recommend that you save these documents, in particular the order form and terms and conditions, for later use.

These terms and conditions are effective from 6.1.2023.

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