Dear Customer,
You will find detailed information about the purchase, instructions on how to return or claim the goods. Didn't find answers to your questions? Never mind! Call our customer service line +420 608414154 and we will be happy to help you.
How to buy
Return of goods / Withdrawal from the contract

Have you chosen an inappropriate gift, the goods you don't like, don't meet your expectations, or did you get a gift for your birthday that you already have? Never mind! You can return the purchased goods without giving any reason within 21 days, so you don't have to worry about missing it if you are on holiday. You can also cancel an undelivered order. Download the cancellation form by clicking on the link.

How to proceed:
1. Fill in the form Notification of withdrawal from the purchase contract.
2. Pack the goods in such a way that they are not damaged in transit. Include the completed form and a copy of the proof of purchase.
3. Send the goods to the address of Blockshop, náměstí Hrdinů 109, 686 03 Staré Město, Czech Republic.
4. Immediately after delivery we will check the goods and return your payment to the account number indicated in the form. If you paid for your order online using a payment gateway, we will refund your payment in the same way (payment refund).
5. We will inform you by email.

Despite the manufacturer's best efforts to ensure high and consistent product quality, there may be situations when it is necessary to claim the purchased goods. To simplify this unpleasant situation, you can use our form. You can download the Complaint Form by clicking on the link.

How to proceed:
1. Fill in the Claim Form
2. Pack the goods in such a way that they are not damaged in transit. Include the completed form and a copy of the proof of purchase.
3. Send the goods to the address of,náměstí Hrdinů 109, 686 03 Staré Město, Czech Republic.
4. We will handle your complaint according to the applicable Terms and Conditions without undue delay.
5. We will inform you about the progress of the complaint by e-mail.
I'm missing a part
Is a piece missing from your kit, has it rolled under the sofa or has your dog chewed it up? We can solve that too. We will take care of the delivery of a new part. Mark the missing part in the instructions, print it and send it to us at We will find the part and deliver it to your address in a bubble envelope.